#16200 Sequential Software Setup Guide or Video

Open Created by @TRU - 3 comments

From @TRU 19.01.2023, 18:37

I think it would be quite beneficial to many to have a "How To" written guide or video explaining the app setup of from start to finish.  Even though I used another management system for 12 years, there are some areas of the app that I struggle with understanding what inforomation to enter or the purpose all together.   I consider myself quite tech savvy.  For those who are not tech savvy I would imagine many would struggle with this app.  I have found some YouTube videos, but not as many as I would like.  Many that seem would be of the greatest value are in German language.   Would like to see English  Thank you... very excited about the app so far.  Just a very slow go to get started with the racing.

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#1 From @smartrace 19.01.2023, 23:03 Owner

Yes, I'm working on a walkthrough video for both english and german right now. Do you have certain things with which you're struggling? I'd be happy to help.

#2 From @tru 23.01.2023, 16:05

Thanks for asking... here are a couple areas where I am unclear.

Driver.... Starting Number, Number Text Style, Colors.

Need video on Fuel Simulation.  At the very least a logical "recommended" settings to get me started.   More questions will be coming.


#3 From @smartrace 24.01.2023, 10:08 Owner

The starting number settings are just cosmetical. You can assign a number and styles and the number will be shown on the driver profile as well as in the track records list. More places might follow in the future, but thats it for now.

The fuel simulation settings are meant to be self-explanatory generally speaking :-D. Are there certain settings which are unclear to you?

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