#18510 Last Lap VO

Closed Created by @MediaBoy - 3 comments

From @MediaBoy 15.02.2025, 19:39

At the moment the VO says '1 lap remaining', it might be good to say 'last lap' instead. Or even better '[driver name] is on their last lap'. 

#1 From @mediaboy 21.02.2025, 19:13

The more I think about this it does need to say 'last lap'' this is because hearing "one lap remaining", when the lead car is on the last lap, is confusing. 

#2 From @mediaboy 21.02.2025, 19:13

The more I think about this it does need to say 'last lap'' this is because hearing "one lap remaining", when the lead car is on the last lap, is confusing. 

@MediaBoy changed the priority from normal to high 21.02.2025, 19:52
@MediaBoy added the label iOS 21.02.2025, 19:52
#3 From @smartrace 25.02.2025, 12:36 Owner

Changed for beta-0.0.6

@smartrace closed this 25.02.2025, 12:36

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