Thanks for reporting this. Can you give some more details? Can the connection never be established? What happens when you kill the app from the task manager and start it again? Did you try turning the CU off and on again?
Thanks Mark
No it has never connected and I have tried cu restarting et cetera. The smart race version I have is 1.0.3. The iPad is a ipad2 running version 8.4.
Ok, thanks. Did you try installing the original app from Carrera and see if you can connect to it? It should be enough to turn on bluetooth, start the app and walk through the instructions. Please let me know the outcome.
Thanks Marc. Reinstalled carrera app from AppStore rebooted iPad then turned on Bluetooth stated app got to "connect" but nothing to connect to. Appconnect not showing up as device on iPad.
And are you sure its the iPad 2 not the iPad **Air** 2? If its really the iPad 2nd Generation, then it doesn't support Bluetooth 4.0, see [here][1]. But in this case I'd wonder how you were able to buy SmartRace at all?
Yes I'm sure it's ipad2 (model is A1395). I bought smartrace from AppStore but didn't pick up it wouldn't work on ipad2 ! Anyway, thank you for your help Marc .
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