#12358 Tank Sign is Not on the screen

Closed Created by @maertel - 5 comments

From @maertel 20.08.2015, 18:19
On my iPad i don't see the Limit for the Tank sign. On a Race and the Qualifikation there is no sign for the Tank.
#1 From @smartrace 20.08.2015, 19:41 Owner
Thanks for reporting this, Martin. Can you explain a bit more what you mean? I currently don't understand exactly what the issue is. Could you maybe upload a screenshot (press Homebutton + Powerbutton simultaneously on your iPad). Thanks a lot for your help!
#2 From @maertel 21.08.2015, 05:52
In App Store the fuel gauge ( column Gap gehen Fuel) is shown in the images. When I open the App will not be displayed when the fuel gauge. Since I have the Pit Lane would be dir me to See the amount interrsted the tank contents. Otherwise, the App has become very good.
#3 From @smartrace 28.08.2015, 08:54 Owner
Hi Martin,

Any news on this after we discussed it via mail? Thanks :-)

#4 From @smartrace 28.08.2015, 10:38 Owner
Same here, Kai, please leave the assignment untouched. Thank you!
#5 From @smartrace 16.09.2015, 01:15 Owner
Closing for now, not updated.

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