#12422 Allow user to deselect a driver from a controller without removing the controller-car assignment

Closed Created by @razorblade - 3 comments

From @razorblade 07.01.2016, 21:51
Allow user to deselect a driver from a controller without removing the controller-car assignment.
#1 From @smartrace 07.01.2016, 23:58 Owner
Could you explain a bit more what you mean? Would you like to be able to only 'reset' single controller assignments without resetting the whole list?
#2 From @razorblade 08.01.2016, 09:03
When you start you can assign cars to controllers, afterwards you can add drivers to controllers.
But I see no way to remove a assignment afterwards other than to remove all the assignments.
I thought it will be nice to be able to remove assignments. E.g. By dragging assigned drivers, cars away from the controller (that assignment is empty again)
#3 From @smartrace 08.01.2016, 12:23 Owner
Ah, I see. This has already been added, see #65 :-)

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