#12465 Connection to AppConnect not stable (Nexus 7 with Android 6.0.1, App: 2.0.1)

Closed Created by @chb - 11 comments

From @chb 30.04.2016, 17:57
The connection to AppConnect is only established after several restarts of the App, and often directly broken again. With the previous Version (1.4.2) WE did not have these problems.
#1 From @smartrace 30.04.2016, 18:07 Owner
Hi Christoph,

Please make sure to enable location services (GPS) on your device and allow SmartRace to use it. This workaround is necessary due to some shortcomings of the bluetooth plugin I'm using for the app right now. I hope this will be fixed soon so the GPS stuff is no longer needed.

Please let me know if this worked for you. Thanks!

#2 From @chb 30.04.2016, 18:35
I've already granted Location Access for Smart Race (because I read about this in the play store). Unfortunately, this doesn't not help...
#3 From @smartrace 30.04.2016, 19:30 Owner
Well, just to be sure: You not only need to grant access, but enable location at all. Did you do that?

#4 From @chb 30.04.2016, 19:34
Yes, Location Services activated for device, Access granted for App. Is it possible to create some debug Information for you, logs etc.?
#5 From @smartrace 30.04.2016, 19:36 Owner
Well, thats strange. I'm afraid there is currently no possibility to collect debug information.

Which version is your control units firmware?

And do you have the chance to test the connection with another android device?

I'd also suggest to uninstall smartrace and try re-installing it again.
#6 From @chb 30.04.2016, 19:47
Firmware is 5336. Now tried connection with mobile phone, Moto G, Android 5.1, looks stable. But of course, using the App on a Tablet makes more fun. Btw: Thanks for your quick reaction...
#7 From @chb 30.04.2016, 20:04
Re-install did not change the behavior. What's interesting: after Reboot of the Tablet, the first Connect is successful, AppConnect stops flashing, App Shows "connected" for a few seconds, but then Starts scanning again (although Appconnect does not show the flash light). Next tries after restarting the App are not successful at all...
#8 From @chb 30.04.2016, 20:07
Btw: the Carrera Race App has no problems with the connection (so Hardware is OK).
#9 From @smartrace 01.05.2016, 10:30 Owner
Hi Christoph,

The behavior youre describing is exactly whats Happening when either Location or bluetooth are not enabled and/or not allowed for smartrace. This issue is only for android 6, so it doesnt effect your other device with android 5.1.

Sorry to bother you again with this, but can you please make absolutely sure that

- youre using version 2.0.1 of smartrace, not 2.0.0
- you have enabled both bluetooth and location
- smartrace has the permissions to use both of them

Thanks a lot.

#10 From @chb 01.05.2016, 19:01
Hi Marc, I've checked the settings again, everything set as required.
But it seems, I found the solution (not sure, why this has side-effects): in System settings, Bluetooth, I've removed all pairing devices, also the CU. Now the connection looks quite stable!
Thanks for the support, I'll let you know, when the Problem occurs again.
Regards, Christoph
#11 From @smartrace 02.05.2016, 07:41 Owner
Ah, well, forgot to mention that you could check this. Once you've paired the CU manually, it could be that this disturbs the connection, too. The whole things is pretty complicated somehow :-(

Glad to head its working well now. I'll close this issue, but please feel free to come here anytime if you experience any more issues!

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