#12468 iOS app version 2. There isn’t an logo for Ford. Also can you add NSR and Slot.It to the list of manufacturers?

Closed Created by @rjhike - 6 comments

From @rjhike 02.05.2016, 16:43
No content.
#1 From @smartrace 02.05.2016, 17:36 Owner
You're right, will be fixed soon!
#2 From @rotorion 02.05.2016, 18:12
Wenn du schon dabei bist, könntest auch das Frankenslot Novus Fahrwerk unter Hersteller mit aufnehmen :-) Danke
#3 From @smartrace 06.05.2016, 09:32 Owner
Both fixed in 2.0.2 (will be released soon). Thanks!
#4 From @rotorion 06.05.2016, 11:31
Vergiss mir bitte nicht unter Hersteller auch das Frankenslot Novus Chassis mit einzutragen. Danke
#5 From @rjhike 07.07.2016, 23:16
Version 2.2 , The list of manufacturers does not include NSR or Slot.it. The logo for Ford did make the new version. Thank you.
#6 From @smartrace 08.07.2016, 07:09 Owner
I actually missed NSR and Slot.it but added them now. Thanks, will be in 2.2.1!

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