#12527 Backup possible? / Android update

Closed Created by @maddinho - 1 comment

From @maddinho 17.10.2016, 15:48
Hi Marc,
generally - is it possible to backup all data (car- and track-data-bases, photos, lap records)? I'm a bit scared, if my Pad goes down anyhow.
Especially right now I'm REALLY scared, there's an Android update already waiting (5.0.2.Lollipop to 6.0.1.Marshmallow) and there is even a warning that some apps may have to be reinstalled after the update. Will it be a risk without backup?

Great thanks and cheers, Martin
#1 From @smartrace 17.10.2016, 18:04 Owner
Hi Martin,

Currently it's not possible to back up any data directly with SmartRace. I'm not sure if there are possibilities using 3rd party apps or board utilities of android. I'm planning to implement some kind of synchronization and/or export, but it's no done yet :-(

Speaking of updating from android 5 to 6, I don't think there is a risk regarding SmartRace and I haven't heard of any user who had data loss after such an upgrade. But thats no guarantee tho.


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