#12536 Connection lost

Closed Created by @thenny10 - 3 comments

From @thenny10 30.10.2016, 23:36
The app connects and then disconnects after 5 seconds. I updated my control unit and it still doesn't work!!!!
#1 From @smartrace 31.10.2016, 08:13 Owner
Hey Anthony,

Can you please send me a screenshot of the "About" dialog content from within the app?

Also, did you make sure that your Control Unit has not fallen asleep while you were trying to connect? In this case the 5 LEDs would stay dark on the CU.

#2 From @smartrace 01.11.2016, 10:23 Owner
Any news here, Anthony?
#3 From @smartrace 04.11.2016, 22:43 Owner
Closing for now.

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