#12781 new aldi tablet

Closed Created by @timwilkins - 7 comments

From @timwilkins 28.09.2017, 20:56
Hi Marc,

Super App. Thanks.

Runs great on my old phone.

Decided to buy a new MEDION® LIFETAB Tablet-PC P9701 from Aldi today.

Smartrace does not show up on the Google Play store ………..it says it’s incompatible (No carrier LENOVO LIFETAB_P970X)

Any ideas ?

#1 From @smartrace 29.09.2017, 07:41 Owner
Hey Tim,

sorry for not getting back to you earlier. I honestly don't know why Google Play says your tablet was not compatible - it obviously should be. It's a pity Google doesn't let me as the developer know the exact reason why they mark some devices as incompatible.

Is it a brand new device? In this case it could take some time until Google Play marks it as compatible. But that's not more than a guess I'm afraid :-/

#2 From @timwilkins 29.09.2017, 08:18
Thanks for speedy reply. Now I know that it is not your problem I can investigate with Google.
I will let you know.
#3 From @timwilkins 29.09.2017, 12:45
Problem solved !
Extracted smartrace apk on old phone to Google Drive.
Installed apk on new phone from Google Drive.
Works like a dream.............thanks
#4 From @smartrace 29.09.2017, 12:59 Owner
Nice, thats great! I think I'll add this to the FAQ area on smartrace.de in case anyone else has a similar issue :-)
#5 From @timwilkins 29.09.2017, 13:25
Yep..........not bad work for a 68 year old English pensioner who lives on a farm high up in the Swiss alps !!!!!
#6 From @smartrace 29.09.2017, 13:43 Owner
Ah, nice! I love Switzerland. I'm usually there at least once a year (recently in Davos, sometimes at the Lac Leman). Just a beautiful country, really. How did you get there from the nice, cold, rainy and foggy England? :-)
#7 From @timwilkins 29.09.2017, 14:24
Worked in London as a systems software engineer..........a man in Zurich telephoned me in 1996 asking if I knew anything about a NEW OS called unix......I said maybe and moved to Zurich..........lived in Zurich until 2005.........a farm and hotel came up for sale on 2005 so I retired and moved to Flumserberg. Had fun farming and now we do airbnb (https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/18104003?location=Flums%2C%20Switzerland)

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