#12786 Smartrace kills my wifi.

Closed Created by @timwilkins - 3 comments

From @timwilkins 30.09.2017, 12:34
Hi Marc,
When you run smartrace my wifi slowly dies and you have to reboot !
Maybe my device isn't compatible after all !
Any ideas ?
#1 From @timwilkins 30.09.2017, 13:03
My problem solved !
When you start smartrace without the control unit switched on ( when you are updating cars and drivers etc ) the app keeps on bluetoothing and kills the wifi.
Turning off Bluetooth on the tablet solves the problem.
I think the app should ask to use the Bluetooth at startup instead of just connecting to it.
#2 From @smartrace 01.10.2017, 11:57 Owner
Hi Tom,

well, most users consider it being pretty helpful that you don't need to connect manually to the CU.

But apart from that: it should not happen that using bluetooth kills the wifi (and this is of course not something I can influence or avoid on software side). I guess the device was rather cheap? :-/


#3 From @timwilkins 01.10.2017, 12:08
Ok I take your point.

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