#12788 Adding photos of cars and drivers.

Closed Created by @timwilkins - 3 comments

From @timwilkins 30.09.2017, 13:29
Hi Marc

When adding photos of cars and drivers, the app presents a selection of photos on your device and on the cloud (Google Photos etc)
Smartrace ONLY adds photos from your device. Adding from the cloud produces an error.

#1 From @smartrace 01.10.2017, 11:53 Owner
Hi Tim,

can you please provide some details on the error message? Thanks!

#2 From @timwilkins 01.10.2017, 12:15
The error message just says that an error was encountered (typical meaningless message !!!!)
However, this problem was caused by my other problem............no wifi............no internet...........no cloud.....obvious really.
Silly me for not realising.
#3 From @smartrace 03.10.2017, 08:52 Owner
No problem :-)

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