#12793 Average lap speed.

Closed Created by @timwilkins - 1 comment

From @timwilkins 04.10.2017, 20:23
Notice you have space on your race display !
Why not calculate the average speed per lap per car.
Track length (L) / lap time(T) x 0.036 x Scale (S)
L / T x 0.036 x S = average kmh
My track is 30m long and lap time is maybe 15 seconds with a 1 32 scale car

3000 / 15 x 0.036 x 32 = 230.4 kmh which looks reasonable.

Only suggesting it because one my grandsons asked "how fast is my car going ?)
#1 From @smartrace 04.10.2017, 20:34 Owner
I think this is an accidental dup of #496 Tim :-)

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