#12979 Allow drivers to finish their current lap on race end for timed races, too

Closed Created by @smartrace - 3 comments

From @smartrace 21.08.2018, 07:39
Similar to lap races.
#1 From @smartracerughoeft-de 03.10.2018, 21:02
Hi Marc,
this would also be really nice to have implemented soon, as it makes it unneccessary to count meters an fill them in a separate spreadsheet.
#2 From @smartrace 05.10.2018, 11:58 Owner
Hi Stefan, 3.6 is coming on the weekend, afterwards I'll focus on this issue and others.
#3 From @smartrace 11.10.2018, 12:07 Owner
Added for next version (for qualifyings, too) :-)

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