#13170 Show chart time at the end of te race

Closed Created by @noscollections - 4 comments

From @noscollections 19.09.2019, 20:08
My be it cool be cool to show a chart line of laptime?
One line for earch player

Maybe 3 graph types :
- lap time
- cumulative time
- position of each player for each lap
#1 From @noscollections 20.09.2019, 10:03
chart exemple 1
#2 From @noscollections 20.09.2019, 10:04
chart exemple 2
#3 From @noscollections 20.09.2019, 10:04
chart exemple 3
#4 From @smartrace 04.10.2019, 22:49 Owner
Good idea Christophe - but as SmartRace GO Plus is more targeted at younger drivers, the statistics feature will for now only be in SmartRace Digital :-)

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