#13194 App crashed directly after starting

Closed Created by @ryan - 3 comments

From @ryan 29.10.2019, 20:18

I just downloaded the app on apple IOS 13.1.1 on an iPad.
First run seemed to work fine, but after installing one add-on the app crashed random. During the start or just a couple second using the app.

Any idea?


#1 From @smartrace 29.10.2019, 21:15 Owner
Hey Ryan,

do you happen to have any other bluetooth devices connected to your iPad? If yes, which ones? And could you please try to disable bluetooth and see if the app still crashes?

#2 From @ryan 30.10.2019, 10:38
Hello Marc,

Yes I have two other devices registered as bluetooth devices but these are not active at this moment.
Those are iGrill devices for the BBQ.

The smartrace app is not yet connected to the control unit (I did not get to it due to the crashes).

I tried the app this morning and it seems to work longer now. I'll keep you posted.

Thanks for your help.

#3 From @smartrace 14.11.2019, 10:08 Owner
Please feel free to re-open anytime if it happens again.

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