A nice way to manage penalties would be to count the exits directly from the main device, assigning warnings to the drivers, not only as it happens now via SmartRace Connect when a driver stops the race. Because not all drivers always love to use SmartRace Connect.
Also it would be useful to have the possibility to set more than only 3 warnings, like now.
I imagine a functioning of this type: before the race starts, the exits/warnings of the drivers (for example 5 warnings) and the punishments when the limit is reached (for example 10 seconds stop&go) are established. When a driver receives the penalty, after his fifth exit, he must stop in the pits to serve the penalty. At that point the count of his exits is reset to zero and he has 5 more exits available before incurring in the new penalty.
All this by integrating and not replacing the possibility of assigning the penalty of seconds & lap, as it already works.
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