#16359 Data Interface

Closed Created by @smartrace - 9 comments

From @smartrace 06.03.2023, 21:27

Create a data interface which sends data on certain events to a configurable URI endpoint.

Events could be:

  • Event start/end (race/qualifying)
  • Lap
  • Sector Time
  • Weather Change
  • VSC
  • ...
@dirtydogracing and 3 others support this. Log in if you'd like to support this, too.
#1 From @dirtydogracing 07.03.2023, 09:54

VSC / caution?

@smartrace updated the description 07.03.2023, 09:58
#2 From @smartrace 07.03.2023, 09:58 Owner

Thanks, added.

#3 From @billroyle 11.03.2023, 05:31

(I will send this via email as well as it doesn't format very well in this page.)I'll be interested to see what you come up with! From a variable standpoint I would find it useful to see current pitstop durations / average pit times. In terms of the data interface I'd love to be able to poll the app for this data in some way, likely in Python but possibly via PHP/Javascript if my hair doesn't fall out over it :) I think I could do something with even just a text file that had each line contain a variable followed by a colon, and following the colon had the value associated with that variable.  Example:Current_Lap_Time:  4.51Fastest_Lap_Time:  4.02Sector_1_Time:  1:02Sector_2_Time:  2:46The key thing for me to know would probably be what polling rate to use on that file.  Though I suppose if I overdid it the app would freeze and I would make the proper conclusion to reduce the rate...I can't guarantee that I can do what I want to put together off your idea, but usually once I can visualize it I can build it.  Thank you for taking at look at this Marc!

#4 From @dirtydogracing 04.04.2023, 22:56

I wonder if IFTTT integration could accomplish this?

#5 From @smartrace 06.04.2023, 11:48 Owner

The first step will be to get the data out of the app, which will be managed by the new data interface feature. This could then be used to interact with IFTTT or other services of your choice.

#6 From @dirtydogracing 18.05.2023, 16:47

This looks great from your stream, I can't wait to see what people come up with for this. 

#7 From @billroyle 04.06.2023, 05:57

Marc, I'm making some progress with a GUI as you can see in the attached.  But whereas the iOS app shows both drivers in the race, it seems like the data interface is only sending the leader's data.  Is it possible to toggle that option so we could get that data?  I can probably build a history via python to sort that data after the fact but am currently getting only one driver from what I can see.Thanks again for such a great feature!  Great things will come from this hopefully!

#8 From @smartrace 04.06.2023, 13:25 Owner

Hi Bill,

the lap event only sends data from that specific lap, this is how it's intended to be. Or are you referring to a different event?


#9 From @billroyle 04.06.2023, 21:31

I am working to display the times for all drivers on the GUI vs just the one driver, so your information is useful as it confirms what I thought I was seeing.  I think I still may have a way to work get this information together without more feature requests.  I am trying to avoid hammering the host server too often with queries as it makes the firewall angry :)

@smartrace closed this 29.09.2023, 10:01

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