#16550 Adjust volume of cars crossing start finish line

Closed Created by @DirtyDogRacing - 2 comments

From @DirtyDogRacing 28.05.2023, 02:05

Can the sound of cars crossing the start finish line be adjustable like the new slider you added for the voice. And before someone says the old slider can adjust that, no it does not. No matter if it is set at 10% or 100% the sounds are the same volume and some of cars drown out the voice. 

@DirtyDogRacing updated the description 28.05.2023, 09:53
@DirtyDogRacing added the label Android 28.05.2023, 09:53
#1 From @smartrace 30.05.2023, 14:02 Owner

Thanks, thats actually a bug and has now been fixed. Will be shipped with the next version for each platform.

@smartrace closed this 30.05.2023, 14:02
#2 From @dirtydogracing 30.05.2023, 20:29


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