#16627 Quick Slicks

Closed Created by @joe - 3 comments

From @joe 24.07.2023, 13:45

Wondering if you could add Quick Slicks to the list of tires to choose from?

@gene_callahan supports this. Log in if you'd like to support this, too.
#1 From @gene_callahan 26.08.2023, 15:15

Please do add Quick Slicks as I use them for all my cars

#2 From @smartrace 11.10.2023, 11:57 Owner

Done, coming with the next version.

@smartrace closed this 11.10.2023, 11:57
@smartrace added the label Android 11.10.2023, 11:57
#3 From @joe 11.10.2023, 15:21

This is Awesome news, thank you. 

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