#17486 Race Control Center

Closed Created by @DirtyDogRacing - 9 comments

From @DirtyDogRacing 25.06.2024, 16:48

Is it possible that we will ever see the "quick links" added to the SmartRace Connect Race Control Center? I think this would be a great way to "clean up" the race screen by having just race info on it and all controls on the race center if someone wanted it that way.

@carreradriver and @twowolves support this. Log in if you'd like to support this, too.
#1 From @smartrace 26.06.2024, 08:01 Owner

Which of the links would you like to use in the Race Control Center? I think the most important ones are already there, just as bigger buttons, no?

#2 From @dirtydogracing 26.06.2024, 10:17

Qualifying, Race, Settings, Menu, would be the most important but having others like Assign, Drivers, Tune, Tracks, Cars, Teams would be nice also. Being able to run everything from that Connect screen would be great and it would really clean up the race screen if you wanted it that way. 

#3 From @smartrace 26.06.2024, 10:20 Owner

Okay, but would tapping these buttons still open the respective dialogs in the SmartRace main app?

#4 From @dirtydogracing 26.06.2024, 10:21

You would be using the Race Control Center like a remote basically to run everything and the Race Screen could be just positions, lap times, track record etc without being cluttered with all the buttons 

#5 From @dirtydogracing 26.06.2024, 10:21

Yes, it could be that way 

#6 From @dirtydogracing 27.06.2024, 13:02

After further thought and not wanting the Race Control Center screen to become to crowded I think adding the original 4 buttons I mentioned would allow what I hope to accomplish.

Qualify - Race - Settings - Menu

#7 From @twowolves 29.06.2024, 18:10

Sounds good to me. More usable widgets are always good

#8 From @dirtydogracing 19.07.2024, 19:08

I picture something similar to this 


#9 From @smartrace 08.08.2024, 12:19 Owner

Done for SR Connect 4.0

@smartrace closed this 08.08.2024, 12:19
@smartrace added the label Android 08.08.2024, 12:19

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