No premium with iPad but works fine with iPhone. Any ideas?
No premium with iPad but works fine with iPhone. Any ideas?
Did you try to restore the subscription by going to main menu > add ons and tap "restore purchases" there?
Yes many times. If I switch back to 6.0.5 I have premium again, just not when I switch to the beta. (this is on the ipad that I usually host SR from. OS ver 17.5.1) Spent several hours going back and forth and even tried logging into itues just to be sure I was logged in. My iphone has no issues running the SR beta and my (host) ipad will run SR connect just can't get premium with the beta on the (host) ipad. I have tested connect beta on the ipad using the iphone as the host and have found no issues at this time. Ran a race and move and resized the wedgets, tested brake and speed. So far so good. Haven't tried the beta on my (5) older ipads that we now use for SR connect, pretty sure they are to old to run the new version of SR connect. Thanks.
Ah, I see. I'm not sure your subscription is valid in the beta, since this is running in a thing called "sandbox" which doesn't have access to your "real" subscription as far as I know. You should however be able to make a new subscription in the beta without being charged. Could you try that?
Hey Marc, I know this has nothing to do with the new version or the beta but I was able to purchase a new subscription (at no charge) and get the add ons (premium) to work but only for an hour then I would lose premium again. Then I would have to do another subscription. (See attached photo and note the message in red). I have no idea why it thinks I cancelled my subscription.This has nothing to do with your update and it's not that big of a worry for me.(But I would be worried about doing an evening of racing like this) Anyway, I was able to test the beta with the add-ons and haven't seen any issues. You might want to make sure people with older iOS don't try to install the new connect version and lose the abilty to go back to the older version. Thanks
Sorry I didn't mention this, but in the beta the subscription will be renewed every 5 minutes and then get auto-cancelled so one can test the whole subscription life cycle. It will not be like this in the production version of the app.
Could you please explain a bit more what you mean with your last sentence? I'm not sure I can follow. The new version of SR Connect should still work on your older iPads, since the minimum requirements have not changed.
On my older (5) iPads that I use for SR Connect they only go up to iOS 12.5.7. I have to run an older version of testfight on these ipads. When I install the beta SR Connect 4.0, it will install but when I try to run it the screen goes back to my home screen and Connect 4.0 will not run. So I was assuming that I need a newer iOS to run SR Connect 4.0. 4.0 runs fine on my newer ipad . So I was worried that once the SR Connect 4.0 version is released and I try to update to it. it's not going tot run and I wouldn't be able to go back to the older version of Connect. But I happy to hear that SR Connect 4.0 should run on older iPads. I figured I wasn't going to be able to run it on my older iPads. So I'm not sure why 4.0 won't run on my older iPads. Maybe it's the older Testfight causing the issue.
Hm, thats strange. The app should definately run on iOS 12.5.7, so that seems to be bug then. Strangely enough, I can run it on my iOS 12.5.7 iPhone with no problem. Could you please try to put your iPad in flight mode (so there is no network connection, not even a local one) and see if it works then?
Here's a video that I just took of two of the older iPads not able to run 4.0 in flight mode.
Thank you Rick. Could you please try to send me a crash report from one of the iPads as described here?
{"app_name":"SmartRace Connect","app_cohort":"2|date=1724857200000&sf=143441&tid=dd8354822b9d10959f7508759dbb1f42105b5dc241d0b76934beb0c7d0a5d692&ttype=e","app_version":"4.0.0","timestamp":"2024-08-28 10:12:35.66 -0500","slice_uuid":"6005ff8b-1300-33a7-a6dd-07dbb2663c5e","adam_id":1261313793,"build_version":"4.0.0","bundleID":"com.trademarc.smartraceconnect","share_with_app_devs":false,"is_first_party":false,"bug_type":"109","os_version":"iPhone OS 12.5.7 (16H81)","incident_id":"7C278A00-44EC-4F3E-AE0D-F7826CC55BFD","is_beta":true,"name":"SmartRace Connect"}Incident Identifier: 7C278A00-44EC-4F3E-AE0D-F7826CC55BFDBeta Identifier: 2A1E0C74-495A-4D67-9EB4-53F663B37E63Hardware Model: iPad4,1Process: SmartRace Connect [237]Path: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/57699D39-23DB-4CB2-9C67-3F24B90D016F/SmartRace ConnectIdentifier: com.trademarc.smartraceconnectVersion: 4.0.0 (4.0.0)AppStoreTools: 15F31eAppVariant: 1:iPad4,1:12.2Beta: YESCode Type: ARM-64 (Native)Role: ForegroundParent Process: launchd [1]Coalition: com.trademarc.smartraceconnect [374]
Date/Time: 2024-08-28 10:12:35.5446 -0500Launch Time: 2024-08-28 10:12:35.3491 -0500OS Version: iPhone OS 12.5.7 (16H81)Baseband Version: n/aReport Version: 104
Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000Exception Note: EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFYTermination Description: DYLD, Library not loaded: /System/Library/Frameworks/SwiftUI.framework/SwiftUI | Referenced from: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/57699D39-23DB-4CB2-9C67-3F24B90D016F/SmartRace Connect | Reason: image not foundTriggered by Thread: 0
Thread 0 Crashed:0 dyld 0x000000010107e418 0x10103c000 + 2713841 dyld 0x000000010107da58 0x10103c000 + 2688882 dyld 0x000000010107da88 0x10103c000 + 2689363 dyld 0x00000001010408f8 0x10103c000 + 186804 dyld 0x00000001010436e4 0x10103c000 + 304365 dyld 0x000000010103d044 0x10103c000 + 4164
Thread 0 crashed with ARM Thread State (64-bit): x0: 0x0000000000000006 x1: 0x0000000000000001 x2: 0x000000016f21e980 x3: 0x00000000000000b9 x4: 0x000000016f21e580 x5: 0x0000000000000000 x6: 0x0000000000000000 x7: 0x0000000000000390 x8: 0x0000000000000020 x9: 0x0000000000000009 x10: 0x6d69203a6e6f7361 x11: 0x20746f6e20656761 x12: 0x20200a7463656e6e x13: 0x203a6e6f73616552 x14: 0x6f6e206567616d69 x15: 0x00646e756f662074 x16: 0x0000000000000209 x17: 0x0000000000000010 x18: 0x0000000000000000 x19: 0x0000000000000000 x20: 0x000000016f21e580 x21: 0x00000000000000b9 x22: 0x000000016f21e980 x23: 0x0000000000000001 x24: 0x0000000000000006 x25: 0x000000000000002f x26: 0x00000001010975e0 x27: 0x0000000101097000 x28: 0x0000000101097a00 fp: 0x000000016f21e550 lr: 0x000000010107da58 sp: 0x000000016f21e510 pc: 0x000000010107e418 cpsr: 0x00000000
Binary Images:0x100be0000 - 0x100c2ffff SmartRace Connect arm64 <6005ff8b130033a7a6dd07dbb2663c5e> /var/containers/Bundle/Application/57699D39-23DB-4CB2-9C67-3F24B90D016F/SmartRace Connect0x100c70000 - 0x100c83fff SocketRocket arm64 <f79f6758733a3af4aaf285427cb50953> /var/containers/Bundle/Application/57699D39-23DB-4CB2-9C67-3F24B90D016F/SmartRace - 0x101093fff dyld arm64 <c08f675c016c30b8a87de35aef8f6b20> /usr/lib/dyld
I just released a new build for SmartRace Connect to Testflght which should fix the crashing issue on iOS 12. Could you please try it and let me know? Thanks Rick!
Just out of couriosity: The current beta of SmartRace (not SmartRace Connect) should also crash on iOS 12. Can you confirm?
Correct, Smartrace will not run on the 12.0 either. I tested the updated Connect 4.0. It now loads but when trying to connect to SR it will not connect. I tried Scan, IP (the IP address was already entered and correct, but it won't go past the connect screen) I tested on two different iPads and even switched to a different WiFi (all are on the same wifi) I could not get either one to connect to SR. I was running the beta SR on the host iPad. I had to subscribe to premium again before I could test Connect. FYI I will be on the road most of this weekend and will have limited time to test but I'll take a couple of iPads with me and do what I can if you need me to. Thanks Marc.
Is there any error message when you're tryingt to connect? Could you record another video of what happens? Sorry for bothering you.
No error message at all. Here's the video.
Also I tried two different wifi's. In the video it was on guest but I also had it set to non-guest earlier.
I'm leaving town now and won't be able to do any more until Monday. Sorry if you need more help until then. :-(
I'm investigating this Rick, I think it's an iOS 12-only issue. Can you confirm it's working correctly on devices with an iOS version newer than 12?
Something I noticed today when messing with the beta on iSO 12's. On connect 4.0 the ip address will not update. I switched to a different iPad to test SR 6.1.0 and it has a different IP address (than the ip in the videos I did) and when I scan the new QR code with connect 4.0 it would not update to the new IP. If I manually enter it and hit OK it still will not connect, but if I go back to see if the new IP is still there, the IP is back to the old IP address. I can't get the new IP to stay. When I did the videos (above) it looks like the ip address scans in correctly but it just happens to be the ip that it keeps defaulting to. But there's no way to get it to update to a newer ip address. Pressing the reconnect tab is dead. I don't know if this is helpful or not.
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