#17788 all pictures gone

Closed Created by @LeoKuhn - 3 comments

From @LeoKuhn 22.10.2024, 00:48

After uodating from 6.0 to 6.1, I lost all pictures of the cars, and also of the drivers.

Any chance of getting those back ?

#1 From @smartrace 22.10.2024, 08:45 Owner

Servus Leo,

bitte schau mal hier, der User hatte dasselbe Problem und konnte es wie dort beschrieben lösen: https://www.freeslotter.de/index.php?thread/104997-smartrace-6-0-ist-da/&postID=1605382#post1605382


#2 From @leokuhn 22.10.2024, 09:19


Hat funktioniert. 

Gruss Leo

#3 From @smartrace 22.10.2024, 09:20 Owner

Super, freut mich!

@smartrace closed this 22.10.2024, 09:20
@smartrace added the label MacOS 22.10.2024, 09:20

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