I connnected my iPhone 13 to the smartrace server with the connect app.
my main device (ipad) gives a weather change and shows the tyre change, but the driver display on my iPhone isn't showing that changes.
I connnected my iPhone 13 to the smartrace server with the connect app.
my main device (ipad) gives a weather change and shows the tyre change, but the driver display on my iPhone isn't showing that changes.
Hi there,
it seems to me that the SmartRace Connect screenshot is from an earlier point, since it also shows lower fuel and 14 instead 15 laps. Is this a timing issue, meaning SmartRace Connect will eventually show the changes, but with a big delay? Or does it really not catch up and stays like this?
The rounds/times/fuel are correct, my own timing was off while making the last screenshot 😅
After pitting for blue tyres, they never show up on the driver display. It always shows the white tyre. As for the weather, it switched back to dry real quick at the driver display, while the main screen showed rain. The driver display did tell me it was going to switch to wet for a little moment, but after that I got "dry track" back.
I was able to locate and fix the issue, the fix will be part of upcoming release 4.0.2. Thanks for reporting this!
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