#17883 Smart race Connect and virtual safety car – no option for penalty

Closed Created by @rastertaster - 1 comment

From @rastertaster 07.12.2024, 13:48

configure a race via race setup dialog with automatic penalty if interrupted via SR Connect.

configure SM connect-server to deploy the VSC if interrupted by SR Connect.

no penalty will be added.

expected behavior: In case automatic penalty while interrupting the race via smart race connect is active, I expect to receive the penalty, even the virtual safety car is activated.

#1 From @smartrace 09.12.2024, 09:37 Owner

This is currently by design. The penalty will only be applied if the event really gets suspended. VSC doesn't count as suspension, which is why the penalty is not applied.

@smartrace closed this 13.01.2025, 17:05
@smartrace added the label iOS 13.01.2025, 17:05

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