#17906 CU frozen after Shortage – forcing restart —> losing fuel-levels

Open Created by @mehi - 1 comment

From @mehi 21.12.2024, 20:22

Hi Marc,
we detected new behavior of the CU using SmartRace. In the past if you encounter a shortage e.g. during crash, losing guard or just messed up braids, the CU starts screaming and flashing the LED's for a few moments. After that the CU goes back to normal and you can continue with the race/training.
Since not too long this has changed.

Now the CU sreams and flashes the LED's but does not come back to normal. The right LED ramains solid on. In order to continue, the CU must be switched off and on which causes all fuel levels to be re-set to 100% That's quite annoying - especially in a race where pitstops and refueling plays a big role.

Please have a look into that. If you need any assistance or any evidence don't hesitate to reach back to me at almost any time ;-)

Thomas (Mehi)

#1 From @smartrace 02.01.2025, 15:44 Owner

Servus Thomas,

hast Du in der Zwischenzeit auf eine neuere CU-Firmware umgestellt? In SmartRace hat sich diesbezüglich aus meiner Sicht nichts geändert - ich wüsste auch nicht, wie SmartRace darauf Einfluss nehmen sollte...? :-(


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