#17968 SmartRace Connect “Light” button – Lights on/off

Closed Created by @Orest_K - 1 comment

From @Orest_K 21.01.2025, 20:56

The Carerra car lights can be turned off and on while a car is in the full stop mode from the hand throttle. Currently the SRC app only flashes the lights when the "LIGHT" button is pressed on the app both while racing and in the stop mode.  Can a user selection  be added in the SRC app settings for the light button to be used for either (1) flash car lights, or (2) turn car lights on or off?

We don't use the flashing lights while racing but many times the lights on a car turn off accidentally during a race from the throttle or car deslotting.  We run timed races with the VSC function so the race never stops on our track. We also change room lighting automatically during a race (from day to night and back to day) so the ability to turn lights back on (or off) from the SRC app "light" button would be of real value to us.

#1 From @smartrace 22.01.2025, 09:51 Owner

Unfortunately switching the lights on/off is not part of the Control Units protocol, it can only be done through the controller. :-(

@smartrace closed this 22.01.2025, 09:51
@smartrace added the label iOS 22.01.2025, 09:51

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