#17997 Fuel not resetting

Closed Created by @MadKat_Hobbies - 4 comments

From @MadKat_Hobbies 24.01.2025, 22:42

Fuel counting down immediately after crossing start finish line to start race and not at same rate. (Ex: crossed starting line at start one car went to 96 the other 92. Then at the end of the race if you reset to new race or start a new race the fuel does not reset to full tank but picks up where you left off with fuel at end of last race. Ex: ended race with 50% fuel next race you start with 50% fuel instead of 100%. 

#1 From @smartrace 25.01.2025, 14:54 Owner

The fuel will be consumed depending on the lap time. If a car crosses the finish line for the very first time, the fuel tank should be at 100% and the lap counter should be 0. Can you confirm the lap counter is 0 and the fuel is below 100% for you?

I'll investigate the other issue, thanks for letting me know!

#2 From @paulhedge 26.01.2025, 19:24

I also see this behaviour 

#3 From @madkat_hobbies 26.01.2025, 20:59

Yes lap counter does start at 0 but with previous fuel count from race or practice before. Screen shot below was going from free practice with fuel on running few laps and then starting a race where cars crossing line the fuel did not reset from free practice. 

#4 From @smartrace 27.01.2025, 12:45 Owner

Thanks, will be fixed in 0.0.4

@smartrace closed this 27.01.2025, 12:46
@smartrace added the label Android 27.01.2025, 12:46

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