#18005 Speed settings missing in car screen

Closed Created by @jeroen - 2 comments

From @jeroen 25.01.2025, 01:41

Don't know if this is by design or not, but there is a header for speed settings in the car screen but there is nothing below it. 

Compared to SmartRace for Carrera I would expect the tuning settings to be here, or is it not meant to save max speed settings in the car screen (like the Magic app)

#1 From @smartrace 25.01.2025, 15:01 Owner

Thanks, I'll fix that!

@jeroen updated the description 25.01.2025, 16:04
@jeroen added the labels iOSMacOS 25.01.2025, 16:04
#2 From @smartrace 27.01.2025, 14:45 Owner

Fixed in 0.0.4

@smartrace closed this 27.01.2025, 14:45

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