#18010 Maximum speed can not be set when in analogue mode

Closed Created by @jeroen - 8 comments

From @jeroen 25.01.2025, 01:46

Clicking on car calibration gives an error, but setting max speed is supported by the ARC Pro when in analogue mode.

Edit: My used terminology might be confusing: I do mean when switching the button on the ARC Pro to analogue, not when using SmartRace in analogue mode with connect. 

@jeroen updated the description 25.01.2025, 11:13
#1 From @smartrace 25.01.2025, 14:57 Owner

Thanks, I'll fix that!

@smartrace changed the type from Idea to Bug 25.01.2025, 14:57
#2 From @smartrace 27.01.2025, 17:15 Owner

Setting the power behaves very strange for me in analog mode on ARC PRO. Everything between 7% and 100% seems to be full speed, the only really slow setting is 2% (the lowest possible value). 

Are you sure this is meant to be possible?

#3 From @jeroen 27.01.2025, 18:14

Have you tried with a real analog car? Not a digital car, they are pretty undrivable on a analog track.  

#4 From @smartrace 27.01.2025, 21:00 Owner

I need to buy real analog cars first :-D

#5 From @jeroen 28.01.2025, 00:34

Ah, I see. I think you can use the SCX advance cars, they have a switch on the bottom which turns them into analog cars, not a 100% sure. Otherwise let me know, I can always sent you some leftover unused car.  

#6 From @smartrace 28.01.2025, 15:22 Owner

You're right, it really works in analog mode with ARC Pro. I was able to test it with a Carrera Digital car switched to analog.

Do you happen to know if the maximum speed calibration also works on ARC Air and/or ARC One?

#7 From @jeroen 28.01.2025, 15:57

Yes of course, didn't cross my mind you can change Carrera Digital cars to analog as well.Re: Air and One: don't know for certain, but since the icon in the top of the Scalextric ARC app changes to "Arc One" when the Pro is switched to analog I would suppose so.

#8 From @smartrace 11.02.2025, 16:18 Owner

It seems that the max speed can only be set on ARC Pro (both analog and digital), so I changed this accordingly. Will be part of beta-0.0.5

@smartrace closed this 11.02.2025, 16:18

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