#18053 SmartRace ARC smoke test

Closed Created by @Razamanaz - 1 comment

From @Razamanaz 25.01.2025, 17:10


I did a smoke test of the SmartRace ARC Beta, and it seems to be working fine. The only thing I had a small problem with is that on my Android 14 Samsung 10" tablet, it seems that I need to press the Save button twice. After pressing it the first time, nothing is saved, instead the current view shrinks a bit. When I press the Save button a second time, the information is saved. Seemed to happen in several views.

I could not find out how-to change any throttle profiles. Is this a feature that might be missing?

I could not find out how-to run ghost cars. Is this a feature that might be missing?

When it comes to fuel/energy simulation logic, I think it would be better to base this on throttle input, not lap times. Please see details on SlotForum.

#1 From @smartrace 27.01.2025, 15:18 Owner

Hi Raz,

thanks for taking part in the beta test and all the work you put into creating that awesome documentation and insights into the ARC system!

I was not aware of issue with having to press the button twice in order to be able to save and I cannot reproduce it here. If you see this issue persisting, please create a separate bug report for it.

Ghost cars and throttle profiles have not been implemented yet but have already been suggested in #17991 and ​​​​#18047 .

As soon as I start dealing with throttle profiles, there will probably be an alternative fuel consumption logic based on the throttle position.


@smartrace closed this 27.01.2025, 15:18
@smartrace added the label Android 27.01.2025, 15:18

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