#18072 No sound preview

Closed Created by @MediaBoy - 5 comments

From @MediaBoy 26.01.2025, 00:37

No car sound preview when you click the sound icon on the car set up screen. 

#1 From @smartrace 27.01.2025, 14:28 Owner

This might also be because of muted sounds. Please check and feel free to re-open if thats not the case.

If sounds aren't muted and you still get no preview, please check this and see if it applies: https://www.smartrace.de/en/the-smartrace-manual/trouble-shooting/some-sounds-dont-work-e-g-start-countdown-ios/

@smartrace closed this 27.01.2025, 14:28
@smartrace added the label iOS 27.01.2025, 14:28
#2 From @mediaboy 27.01.2025, 14:46

Hi @smartrace during racing I do hear the sound. On preview in the menu, see screenshot, I don't hear the sound. I hear sounds from all other apps on my iPhone, nothing is set to mute.  

@smartrace reopened this 27.01.2025, 14:49
#3 From @smartrace 27.01.2025, 17:16 Owner

That's a strange one. Can't reproduce at the moment. Does it happen on different iOS devices (if you have the change to try different ones)?

#4 From @mediaboy 27.01.2025, 19:59

I don't have another iOS device to test. However I can confirm that speech preview works throughout the main settings/sounds page, and on the driver page after adding a name. It only seems to be an issue on the 'add car' page as described before.  

I'll test again with 0.0.4

#5 From @mediaboy 28.01.2025, 21:28

Fixed in 0.0.4. Thank you. 

@smartrace closed this 28.01.2025, 21:39

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