Audio on countdown to start the race is missing (as the red light go out), or maybe just very quiet?
Audio on countdown to start the race is missing (as the red light go out), or maybe just very quiet?
I hear this as well, seems related to starting using the app. I would not say intermittent as once it's working it continues to work. It's like audio is not enabled at the start.
I'm not sure if I understand the issue. The gridlight countdown should make 5 beep sounds (parallel to each red light showing up) and then one higher-pitched beep sound when the red lights go out. This works as far as I can see.
Doesn't that work for you? And could you please check if you didn't mute all sounds in the quick menu on the bottom left of the screen?
Please just re-open when new information is available, maybe even with posting a short video so I can see whats happening. Thanks!
HiThe behaviour you describe @smartrace is what I'd expect, but I don't hear it... I'll test again this evening.
I still get this issue occasionally with 0.0.5
I can't spot the pattern but has just happened 4 times in other testing over 9 races.
It's only an issue at the start of a race, it's okay after a race suspension.
I know have a video to demonstrate...
no audio on countdown, VONaudio works fine
Can't open the shared link, it says you have either ended the sharing or that I'm not allowed to access the file. :-(
That's a shame, there aren't any permissions to change. I sent the same link to a friend and he was able to open it. It's 17secs and Buggily says the file size is too large.
Did you disable the ambient race sound? I can't hear it in the video. If you didn't disable it, could you please check if your phone is on silent mode?
Yes, Ambient race sounds are off. But that doesn't seem to be the issue as sometimes I get the countdown sounds. I've checked all other settings. Same issue.
As it seems I'm the only tester with this issue I've deleted the app and NOT restored data from back-up, so I have 'clean' data. I've run 6 short races and called multiple Red Flags and the issue seems to have gone!
That's a strange one, closing for now. If you happen to see this on different devices, please re-open. Thanks!
More testing done on this.
with Ambient sounds active the countdown timer is audible every time.
with the Ambient sounds off the countdown timer is audible most of the time.. example in this video..
I experienced the same problem just last week (3/1/2025). Audio for the countdown did not work. I occasionally have lost some of the sounds (not all but some). When that happens I go to the sound settings tab and just select "save" and the sounds start working again for some reason. However, that did not help my countdown loss of sound. I eventually reloaded the most recent backup which prompted me to also reload SMARTRACE. After that reload, the countdown sound returned. Let's see if the problem resurfaces.
@mediaboy - I hear the full countdown perfectly fine in your video. Maybe I misunderstood the purpose of the video though...? 😁
@orest_k - this entry is about SmartRace for Scalextric ARC, I assume you're referring to SmartRace for Carrera Digital, right?
Hi - yes @smartrace the video does show the audio working even when there are no ambient sounds set - but in this state it doesn't work all the time, only some of the time. When you select ambient sounds then the countdown works all the time.A possible work around for those who want the countdown sounds, but don’t want the ambient sounds could be to select "Empty" rather than “None”?
@orest_k - no, that's fine. I think the issue is the same for both apps, so your feedback is very valuable!
@mediaboy and @orest_k - a couple more questions if you don't mind:
Using an iPhone, I'll try and test with an iPad over the next few days.
iPhone is not in Silent mode.
I play the sounds from my device. I could try using mirroring to an Apple TV box and use the TV speakers.
This 'might' be the behaviour.. if you start the app with Ambient sounds off in the settings you never get the countdown sounds - but you do hear all other non-ambient sounds - as expected.
If you start the app with Ambient sounds on, then turn them off, you lose the ambient sounds, but keep the countdown sounds. I need to test this again, hopefully tomorrow.
Still cannot test on an iPad. However...
In 15 minutes of testing, running multiple red flags and restarting in each 12 lap race, the countdown sounds worked correctly each time!
Ambient sound is set to 'none'.
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