#18091 Unable to use throttles after qualification or race ended

Closed Created by @PaulHedge - 1 comment

From @PaulHedge 26.01.2025, 19:43

It's a nice to have feature. On larger tracks cars just stop where they are and need to be retrieved by hand rather than driven back to the start. Maybe a button [enable controllers] so the racers know the race is over and the race coordinator can enable throttles to line up for the next race.

@PaulHedge updated the description 26.01.2025, 19:44
@PaulHedge added the labels iOSUser Experience (UX) 26.01.2025, 19:44
#1 From @smartrace 27.01.2025, 16:56 Owner

Good idea, beta 0.0.4 will contain a separate button for the quicklinks widget for exactly that. 👍

@smartrace closed this 27.01.2025, 16:56

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