#18098 Instructions need to show how to name a track.

Closed Created by @Expidia - 1 comment

From @Expidia 26.01.2025, 20:37

Once the green light connects.  Instructions say "you are good to go".  But first time users new to this Smart Race app will get hung up (like I did) because it won't allow you to race until you "name a track".  Instructions should say to get started first choose Menu> then under Manage> Click Tracks> Add (and then give track a name).

Also, when you try to edit the 3 icons at the bottom are on a black background and are very hard to even see that they are there.  Just put a square of white background behind those icons.  Even the red one on black is hard to see.

#1 From @smartrace 14.02.2025, 11:24 Owner

I added a note to the manual as a heads up for this. Just to clarify: This is not essential for racing and you will still be able to race, even if you don't add a track. Referring to your comment that it won't let you race unless you add a track. Maybe I misunderstood though :-)

@smartrace closed this 14.02.2025, 11:24

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