#18110 Manual says there is a database of car models.

Closed Created by @Expidia - 1 comment

From @Expidia 26.01.2025, 21:03

I don't see how to access this.  It shows a database opening up in manual when adding a car and shows pictures, yet I don't see how to access the database showing the various Scalextric models.  

@Expidia changed the title from Manual says thee is a database of car models. to Manual says there is a database of car models. 26.01.2025, 21:03
#1 From @smartrace 27.01.2025, 10:23 Owner

If you're referring to this part of the manual: This just shows how the "cars" section in the SmartRace main menu looks like if you added some cars. There is no public database available from where you can download or import the cars. 

@smartrace closed this 27.01.2025, 10:23

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