#18114 Full throttle after race ends

Closed Created by @MadKat_Hobbies - 2 comments

From @MadKat_Hobbies 26.01.2025, 22:27

Did not happen in all my other tests so far but after a race ended car went full throttle off track instead off stopping. Will continue test and hopefully a one off thing. 

#1 From @smartrace 30.01.2025, 07:57 Owner

maybe related to #18265 

#2 From @smartrace 14.02.2025, 11:17 Owner

Should be fixed in the upcoming beta-0.0.5, otherwise please re-open

@smartrace closed this 14.02.2025, 11:17
@smartrace added the label Android 14.02.2025, 11:17

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