#18117 Weather setting issue

Closed Created by @MediaBoy - 4 comments

From @MediaBoy 26.01.2025, 23:35

When using weather settings. Car into the Pits for a tyre change. However speed does not resume after tyre change. There seems no way to regain the speed apart from quitting the race. 

#1 From @smartrace 27.01.2025, 15:33 Owner

Does this only happen when switching from wet weather tires back to slick tires or both ways?

@smartrace changed the priority from high to normal 27.01.2025, 15:33
@smartrace added the label iOS 27.01.2025, 15:33
#2 From @mediaboy 27.01.2025, 16:20

Hi @smartrace - I've not been able to test from wet weather tires back to slick tyres - as the wet weather comes first and I've not ofudn a way to get out of the lower power issue.. so in other words I cannot get back to slick... once the tyres are changed to wet.

#3 From @smartrace 27.01.2025, 16:24 Owner

Okay, I see. What speed value did you set for slick tires on wet track? Is it maybe too low so the car doesn't move anymore?

#4 From @mediaboy 28.01.2025, 21:29

I changed the values to 80% and it works now. 

@smartrace closed this 28.01.2025, 21:38

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