#18280 Not recording laps

Closed Created by @Werdna99 - 2 comments

From @Werdna99 30.01.2025, 20:28

I am using the Arc One version of the app. In my testing I have been running three block of nine races of 10 laps each, using 18 different cars in each block of races. I am also using a mixture of Scalextric and SCX cars.

When races start, I have found several times, with different cars, laps are not recorded at all either for Lane1 or Lane2. If I do a free, or timed practice, the same cars record a lap. If I were to race the same car again a laps for both lanes would be recorded. It's not a case of missing laps, it's not recording laps at all for the duration of the race. Out of the 3 sets of nine races, I would say that at least 3 races would have a lap record issue

I run the same test with the  Scalextric ARcOne app, using the exactly the same cars, laps are recorded for every race.

#1 From @smartrace 31.01.2025, 10:34 Owner

Very interesting, thanks for sharing this. Did you receive any kind of error message in SmartRace when the lap counting wouldn't work?

#2 From @smartrace 11.02.2025, 11:59 Owner

Please feel free to re-open with the requested information if the issue persists

@smartrace closed this 11.02.2025, 11:59
@smartrace added the label Android 11.02.2025, 11:59

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