#18297 Option to completely disable pitstops

Closed Created by @jeroen - 4 comments

From @jeroen 31.01.2025, 20:47

When running in analog I notice the "P" icon in the screen sometimes, most likely because I pressed the wrong button accidentally. Would it be possible to completely disable any kind of pitstop, for instance by sliding the delay slider to the max. Or is this already possible and do I look in the wrong place?

#1 From @brycecasselman 05.02.2025, 08:21

Select: Configure // Settings // Fuel Simulation

Toggle Off Lap Time Based Fuel Simularion

#2 From @jeroen 05.02.2025, 09:08

Yes, that is what I thought, but even this disabled I could still see the "P" pop up in the race screen when accidentally pressing the button 

#3 From @brycecasselman 05.02.2025, 09:27

I've noticed if you press the X button on the back of the Arc Air controller it will trigger the pit stop sounds and brake the car.

#4 From @smartrace 11.02.2025, 16:28 Owner

Added for upcoming beta-0.0.5

@smartrace closed this 11.02.2025, 16:28
@smartrace added the label User Experience (UX) 11.02.2025, 16:28

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