#18304 Free Practice

Closed Created by @MediaBoy - 3 comments

From @MediaBoy 01.02.2025, 19:16

Not an idea, just a question... How do you end a Free Practice session?

@smartrace closed this 02.02.2025, 10:48
@smartrace added the label iOS 02.02.2025, 10:48
#1 From @smartrace 02.02.2025, 10:48 Owner

Free practice is the default mode of SmartRace and can't thus be ended. You can however reset it anytime by either usingt the "New free practice" entry in the main menu or the "reset" button in the quicklinks widget.

#2 From @mediaboy 04.02.2025, 16:40

Hi Marc - the reset button doesn't seem to work during a Free Practice session.  

Do you need a big report for this?

#3 From @smartrace 04.02.2025, 17:14 Owner

Already reported in #18288 - sorry, will be fixed with the next beta iteration

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