#18310 Red Flag issues

Closed Created by @Tim - 4 comments

From @Tim 02.02.2025, 13:12

When racing with 4 cars and using the smartrace connect we found that when a red flag was issued, sometimes a car would power up and go on its own,  this happened a few times, sometimes it was one car sometimes 3 cars.   I found that it was always ok for the first few red flags but later in the race it would happen more often. Looked to see if I could recreate this happening, but would be very random.

#1 From @mfisher 02.02.2025, 15:50

I am having the same issue

#2 From @smartrace 02.02.2025, 19:07 Owner

Probably a duplicate of #18200 - did you use the "double tap lane change button to suspend the race" feature? Or did it happen without that?

#3 From @tim 02.02.2025, 21:29

Hi, yes we had been using the double tap on the lance button to start and stop red flags. It would then randomly say the name of one of the drivers saying they had imitated a red flag when they hadn't been using the button.

#4 From @smartrace 14.02.2025, 11:11 Owner

Should be fixed in the upcoming beta-0.0.5, otherwise please re-open

@smartrace closed this 14.02.2025, 11:11
@smartrace added the label iOS 14.02.2025, 11:11

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