#18312 More realistic Ghost car feature

Closed Created by @Mfisher - 4 comments

From @Mfisher 02.02.2025, 16:08

When you implement ghost cars create a feature that will allow you to record controller input for i.e  5 laps (user defined lap count) and then choose  which lap you want the ghost car to repeat. Or if possible select multiple laps times to repeat and cycle through them randomly during race. This would simulate racing a human with variable lap times and lane changes. 

#1 From @smartrace 02.02.2025, 19:06 Owner

Thanks, I'll consider that. One issue I see with "pre-programmed" laps with varying speeds is that if a ghost car crashes or the race is otherwise interrupted, there is virtually no way to resume the lap correctly. But I'll have to think this through a bit more I guess. 

#2 From @jeroen 02.02.2025, 19:41

This would be awesome, but another issue I think would be the lag between the car crossing the line and the Arc Pro communicating this.  

#3 From @smartrace 02.02.2025, 19:50 Owner

Good point @jeroen ...

#4 From @smartrace 05.02.2025, 16:39 Owner

I don't think this can be done in a proper way. There can be a delay between 300ms and 1800ms between a car crossing the line and the app getting to know about it. This makes it virtually impossible to apply a pre-defined set of speed values, because they would need to be somewhat tied to laptimes.

Closing this, I'm sorry. :-(

@smartrace closed this 05.02.2025, 16:39
@smartrace added the label iOS 05.02.2025, 16:39

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