#18338 Sensors: Start/Finish Line & Pit Stop

Closed Created by @brycecasselman - 14 comments

From @brycecasselman 05.02.2025, 09:12

Arc Air Issue:

When Fuel Simulation is enabled drivers have to stop their car with the guide flag directly on the sensor to trigger refueling.

Sensors closest to marked lane numbers trigger the Start/Finish Line. Sensors on the opposite side trigger Pit Stops. See attached image for reference.

Drivers have to cross Start/Finish Sensor, drive through the outlined pit area and stop with their guide flag directly on the Pit Stop Sensor.

#1 From @brycecasselman 05.02.2025, 09:42

Here is a quick video highlighting the issue...

YouTube Link To Unlisted Video

#2 From @smartrace 05.02.2025, 11:09 Owner

Hey Bryce,

thanks for reporting this. Could you please try to turn the start finish track piece around so the black box is on the outside of the track and then test if this still happens?


#3 From @brycecasselman 05.02.2025, 18:21

Marc would it actually make a difference though? The cars would still be traveling across the sensors in the exact same direction.

I do have two cars that run the opposite way. Which would mean they would cross the Pit Lane Sensor before the Start/Finish Sensor.

#4 From @brycecasselman 05.02.2025, 20:08

Part 2 Video...

Unlisted Test Video

#5 From @smartrace 05.02.2025, 21:13 Owner

The way that this track piece is intended to be used is with the driving direction going from left to right (looking at it with the black box in front of you on your side). This way the cars will always cross the pit sensor first and then the start finish sensor. They painted the white box with the pit badges in it so that you know where to stop.

SmartRace will check if the pit sensor was crossed but not the start finish sensor and will then assume you're making a pit stop. If you use the track the other way around, this will not work and the app will never know you're in the pits.

Long story short: If you use the track piece as it is intended it will work as it should. :-D

#6 From @brycecasselman 05.02.2025, 21:20

Ok I'll try flipping it around and do a part 3 video to confirm.

#7 From @smartrace 05.02.2025, 21:22 Owner

For me it will be fine if you just confirm it here, no video needed! :-)

#8 From @brycecasselman 05.02.2025, 22:03

I flipped the CU around and as I thought it made no difference.

I'm a bit confused by what you said because the Start/Finish Sensor is still before the Pit Sensor. If these sensors were flipped then there wouldn't be an issue. 

The cars still don't trip the Pit Sensor unless they are stopping directly on the sensor. You have to edge the car forward very slowly.

You can see this in my last video. 


#9 From @smartrace 05.02.2025, 22:07 Owner

Sorry, I probably wasn't precise enough: The important part is that the cars must cross the pit sensor first. That is how it is supposed to be used. So no matter the driving direction and no matter which way you put in the track piece. Pit sensor has to be crossed first, finish sensor second.

#10 From @brycecasselman 05.02.2025, 22:23

Inunderstand what you're saying but if I start the car in the marked Pit Area ahead of the Start/Finish and run clockwise on the track it still does not work.

If a car runs counter clockwise the pit stop sensor is triggered. If a car runs clockwise the pit stop sensor is not triggered unless the car is stopped directly on the sensor and even that can be intermittent.

#11 From @brycecasselman 05.02.2025, 22:51

My apologies for another video 🤦‍♂️ I just don't know if I'm writing it correctly to get my point across. 

Unlisted video Part 3

#12 From @smartrace 05.02.2025, 23:07 Owner

I think I finally understand the issue. According to the manual, the cars are meant to go from right to left, meaning they cross start/finish first and pitlane sensor second. I thought it was the other way around, which is why I implemented the pit stop logic like this. I need to switch this around, then it should work as expected. Sorry for the confusion Bryce!

#13 From @brycecasselman 05.02.2025, 23:17

No problem, that's what makes this beta testing so useful! Happy to help problem solve.

#14 From @smartrace 11.02.2025, 12:47 Owner

Fixed for upcoming beta-0.0.5

@smartrace closed this 11.02.2025, 12:47
@smartrace added the label iOS 11.02.2025, 12:47

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