@smartrace, I would say that your problem analysis is correct (and @jeroen that your problem description is correct). oXigen works the same way, the difference is that in that case the round-robin period is 300ms instead of 1800ms.
The 1800ms is there when using the Scalextric ARC PRO in digital mode, and that is there regardless of how many controllers are currently connected to the powerbase. For ARC AIR and ARC PRO in analog mode, the round-robin period is 600ms (as there are only two cars at most).
They could of course have designed it in another way, and instead send data directly when things happens. I guess they did it the way they did in case data would be lost; with this design it gets resent until the next lap. Well, it is what it is...
But with this design, all positions need to be revaluated every time a timestamp is received from any car.
The option (if its there) "the race should end when all cars has crossed the finish line" should still work, but you need to wait at least 1.8 seconds before declaring a winner, etc.
The option "the race should end immediately when the leader completed their last lap", would not work 100%, no.
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