#18601 Disable all ghost cars when quitting

Closed Created by @jeroen - 3 comments

From @jeroen 22.02.2025, 11:00

Maybe an option to switch off all ghost cars when quitting the app, because otherwise if you startup the track, start SmartRace and there is a car on the track it takes of immediately. 

#1 From @mediaboy 23.02.2025, 15:15


#2 From @smartrace 25.02.2025, 12:46 Owner

Change for beta-0.0.6: SmartRace now doesn't automatically release track and cars when it has finished connecting to the track, but rather starts in red flag mode, requiring the user to manually put the track in green flag mode.

@smartrace closed this 25.02.2025, 12:46
@smartrace added the label User Experience (UX) 25.02.2025, 12:46
#3 From @jeroen 25.02.2025, 12:59

Thanks for the quick solution. Will test how this works in day to day racing. I quite liked the idea of the free practise starting right when SmartRace had connected. With this change: if you have any ghost cars from a previous session you still have to check them through the ghost cars button, which is not the same as knowing they are always off when you start SmartRace, will report back.

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