#18692 Start Refuel when tank is EMPTY not functioning properly

Closed Created by @Orest_K - 3 comments

From @Orest_K 01.03.2025, 22:37

When using SR fuel simulation, if driver uses up all fuel then enters the pit lane, the pit eye acknowledges pit entry with text but the fuel bar continues to blink red and car will not refuel. Driver is forced to re-enter the pit (sometimes multiple times) until SR finally acknowledges the pit and starts to refuel car. This problem is sporadic. Speed entry into pit does not seem to correct the problem. Problem occurs with multiple cars.

#1 From @smartrace 02.03.2025, 21:08 Owner

Hi Orest,

this might be because of whats described here: https://www.smartrace.de/en/the-smartrace-manual/trouble-shooting/pit-stop-continues-even-after-leaving-the-pit-lane/

In your case: I would assume that drivers with empty tanks get slowed down so much (per your settings) that they have to press the throttle pretty hard in order to move forward. If they enter the pits and press the throttle more than 50%, the pit stop ends immediately.

Could you please verify that?


#2 From @daglsrock 03.03.2025, 23:29

I also have that problem and I know I use full throttle to try to enter the pits.  I noticed if I manually push a car into the pit (aka zero throttle), the car refuels normally.  I'll try entering the pit at partial throttle next time. 

#3 From @orest_k 04.03.2025, 00:40

I think you may have misunderstood something in the thread. You want to enter the pit with throttle LESS THAN 50% position. If you enter the pit above 50% it would immediately tell the system that the pit stop is complete once you cross over the Pit Eye. 

@smartrace closed this 11.03.2025, 09:09
@smartrace added the label iOS 11.03.2025, 09:09

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