#18543 Ghost car keeps going after calibration

Closed Created by @Simpo - 8 comments

From @Simpo 18.02.2025, 14:27

I've calibrated a ghost car and pressed save, the car continues to drive no matter what I do. I had to disconnect the app and turn off my arc pro power and restart everything. The ghost car then continued to run until I started a new race. 

#1 From @jeroen 18.02.2025, 14:35

yes, same here

#2 From @smartrace 18.02.2025, 15:33 Owner

Hm, so it didn't react on suspending the event or turning the track power off through the button in the app?

#3 From @simpo 18.02.2025, 15:45

So if I suspended the event it stopped but then restarted when I clicked restart. By disconnecting the power in the app, do you mean where it says disconnected in the attached screen shot? If so, no I didn't try that.  When I clicked save after setting the speed of the ghost car I was expecting the car to stop? I'll try repeating the process later and report back.

#4 From @smartrace 18.02.2025, 15:48 Owner

It's actually meant to continue driving, as mentioned in the manual:

"As long as the toggle is switched on and the track is in green flag mode, the car will continue to drive. Ghost cars will however react to track events, meaning that suspending an event will stop all ghost cars and starting/resuming it will release the ghost cars"


#5 From @jeroen 18.02.2025, 15:59

For me it didn't respond to suspending to event.I had to restart the arc pro, but with track power on/off I suspect you mean the button you can add to the widget? Didn't try that, had not seen it before. 

#6 From @smartrace 19.02.2025, 08:02 Owner

Are you 100% sure it didn't respond, @jeroen ? Also, were you in analog or digital mode when it didn't respond?

#7 From @jeroen 19.02.2025, 08:33

Good morning, and yes 100% sure. But since it happend during the end of my testing session I did not have time to see if I could replicate it, so I decided against making a ticket. I think it was in digital mode.

#8 From @smartrace 19.02.2025, 11:40 Owner

Continue in #18554 

@smartrace closed this 19.02.2025, 11:40
@smartrace added the label iOS 19.02.2025, 11:40

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