#18554 Ghost cars not stopping / cars not reacting to commands

Closed Created by @Simpo - 18 comments

From @Simpo 18.02.2025, 21:48

I won the race and my car stopped and wouldn't respond to the controller, but the three ghost cars continued to drive. And while typing this two of the ghost cars that are both in lane two just started driving on their own. The third ghost cars that is in lane 1 didn't?

#1 From @smartrace 19.02.2025, 11:43 Owner

see #18543 #18552 #18540 

#2 From @smartrace 19.02.2025, 11:47 Owner

I'm a bit flabbergasted by this. It seems the track just ignores command sometimes, although they're correctly transmitted. @razamanaz did you ever see something like this when experimenting with your protocol explorer?

This is what happens:

  • I send a command to the track, e.g. to make all cars stop
  • In 95% of the cases, it works as expected, all cars stop
  • In 5% of the cases, one car doesn't react to the command
  • If I check what has been transmitted to the track by reading the relevant ble characteristic, the command has been transmitted correctly
  • Re-sending the command doesn't help

What is going on? :-(

#3 From @jeroen 19.02.2025, 12:16

I will see if I can do some more tests this evening. In your scenario above, is this digital or analog, or both?

#4 From @smartrace 19.02.2025, 12:19 Owner

This was digital, but I'd guess it's the same for analog.

#5 From @razamanaz 19.02.2025, 14:31


No, I haven't seen this myself, but I also haven't been using the ARC PRO that much. But also, I haven't seen anyone else mentioning any similar things, but I could be wrong.

Does this happen only to specific cars, or does it seem to happen "randomly" to any car? The problem might of course be the ARC PRO itself, but could also be a problem related to specific cars e.g. having bad braids and missing the command that is sent on the rails.

@smartrace changed the title from Ghost cars not stopping. to Ghost cars not stopping / cars not reacting to commands 19.02.2025, 14:35
@smartrace added the label iOS 19.02.2025, 14:35
#6 From @jeroen 19.02.2025, 15:23

I was also thinking about it maybe being car specific, or the car being on a bad part of the track and missing the command,0 but then it should not happen when in analog mode because in that case stopping means cutting power to the track so that should work no matter the car.

@smartrace removed the label iOS 19.02.2025, 15:25
#7 From @smartrace 19.02.2025, 16:20 Owner

I now witnessed cases where I ran 4 ghost cars (2 on controller 1, 2 on controller 2) and only one car would obey the stop command while the other 3 kept running. That doesn't make sense.

#8 From @jeroen 19.02.2025, 16:33

Just curious but why would you assign 2 cars to 1 controller? For ghost cars you can assign them to 1-6 I think even if you do not have more than 2 controllers?

#9 From @mfisher 19.02.2025, 21:24

I have experienced the same issue wher not all ghost cars stop on track call.

#10 From @mediaboy 19.02.2025, 21:47

Maybe related. Just tested over 3 x 6 lap races.  

1 Controlled car, 2 Ghost. At the end of the race the Controlled Car and 1 Ghost stop as intended. The other Ghost, in this case on '5' carries on after the flag. I have have 4 physical controllers so might this help to explain an issue with the car in 5?

#11 From @jeroen 20.02.2025, 08:08

OK, I've done some more testing and this is definitely a strange issue. The bad news is that I could not replicate it in any regular fashion. This is what I tried: Digital, 4 ghost cars, assigned to colours 1-4, with 2 power supplies on an Arc Pro

I first tried it with the cars stationary on the starting grid with wheels off the ground. Suspending and resuming the event had all the cars stop every time, so far no issues.Next I tried the cars running on track and here the problem starts: sometimes one or several of the cars kept on running when suspending the event. I could not link it to a specific car and not to a specific part of the track. However when it happend resuming and suspending it again would always fix the issue. It happend in maybe 5% of the times I supsended the event.

What I could not quite grasp: when it happend and I took the "problem" cars of the track, then click resume and suspend again (without the "problem" cars on the track) and place the cars back on track, the would not continue running. So this looks like it did not have to do with connectivity.

What I haven't tried so far is doing the same as above with the Magic and/or offical Arc app to see if the issue presents itself as well.

#12 From @simpo 20.02.2025, 11:31

I've now run 4 ghost cars 1 to 4 with no controllers connected. The car that wouldn't stop running when I first noticed this problem was in the same controller colour (yellow 4) and that was the car that still kept running when the others had stopped when a red flag was triggered. As said above it only seemed to happen occasionally, but always the same car. Sometimes it would be after 20 or so red flags, but at least once it happened after 2 so it seems random. I'm running arc pro with 2 power supplies. I'll try again, but this time I'll change the controller colour that the problem car is connected too and see if the problem moves to a different car in colour yellow or it moves with the problem car to another colour.

#13 From @simpo 21.02.2025, 21:25

I've done a bit more testing. I swapped my ghost cars to different number/colours. The car that wouldn't stop (was yellow4) to red1. Blue 3 to yellow 4 and green 2 to blue 3. I ran just the theee ghost cars and repeated the red flag scenario. The second red flag, red1 and blue 3 stopped, yellow 4 continued to drive. I repeated this many times and on a few occasions the only car that didn't stop was yellow 4. I then ran just yellow 4 as a ghost and on its own it still ran on a red flag and in the few times I did this it seemed to do it more than when all three cars were running. 

#14 From @smartrace 21.02.2025, 21:32 Owner

So in all scenarios it was always only yellow 4 that didn't obey the commands @simpo? 🤔

#15 From @simpo 21.02.2025, 21:34

@smartrace yes that's correct. Different cars but always yellow 4.

#16 From @jeroen 22.02.2025, 00:40

I have done some additional tests with 1 car on white.

With the scalextric arc app I paused and resumed the race 50 times without the car ever failing to stop.

With the Magic app there is a delay of 5 seconds to restart after a yellow flag, so I gave up after 10 times, because it drove me mad, but the car stopped every time.

Immediately after scalex app I tried SmartRace and this was the pattern: 19 times before continuing, then 2, then 7, then 4, then 9. With the last one even a resume/suspend had to be tried twice before the car would stop.

#17 From @smartrace 25.02.2025, 10:56 Owner

Okay, I think I found the issue and fixed it. Should be working as expected in upcoming beta-0.0.6

@smartrace closed this 25.02.2025, 10:56
#18 From @jeroen 25.02.2025, 11:05


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