#18540 minimum speed calibration issue

Closed Created by @jeroen - 4 comments

From @jeroen 18.02.2025, 08:25

I've had this several times on 0.0.5, when trying to calibrate the minimum speed of a car and clicking the save calibration button the car contiues driving around at the minimun speed, the only way to make it stop is to suspend and resume the free practice.

#1 From @simpo 18.02.2025, 14:23

I've had the same issue.

#2 From @smartrace 19.02.2025, 11:42 Owner

Very likely related to #18554 - continuing there

@smartrace closed this 19.02.2025, 11:42
@smartrace added the label iOS 19.02.2025, 11:42
#3 From @jeroen 01.03.2025, 20:48

This still happens

@jeroen reopened this 01.03.2025, 20:48
#4 From @smartrace 05.03.2025, 11:05 Owner

Thanks, fixed for the next version.

@smartrace closed this 05.03.2025, 11:05

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